Four key breakthrough factors make Boyesen Rage Cages the most advanced air intake system you can
add to your sled!
1. The Gulp Factor
Your engine is a glutton for air. It will take over 200 “gulps” per second, at velocities over 500 MPH – if
your intake valve will let it. The Rage Cage’s seamless, one-piece, precision casting and continuous aeroform
surfaces ensure maximum flow velocities and instant, explosive movement of air particles the moment you
open the throttle. Result: An intake valve the size of your fist delivers air with the power of a tornado.
2. “Power Channeled” Charge
Integrated into the seamless inner chamber are 4-way aerodynamic directional dividers that distribute
the angled charge evenly without flow loss. Each channel has its own unique Power Profile, scientifically
shaped to produce instant, explosive movements of air. Result: Unparalleled performance.
3. “Intelligent” Dual-Stage Reed System
Standard equipment on each Rage Cage, Boyesen dual-stage, Pro Series Reeds have the superior ability to time
themselves to the needs of the engine. You get maximum flow velocity across the entire RPM range, and at all
throttle settings. Smooth. Sharp. Smart. Result: Full Spectrum power and throttle response.
4. There’s a Rage Cage Engineered To YOUR Make, Year & Model Each Boyesen Rage Cage is unique – tailor
made to that model, year and displacement. While other aftermarket valves might change flange sizes or
bolt patterns, they’re basically generic – and require you to irreversibly cut your intake boot to install it! But
with the Rage Cage, there are no compromises in power, no modifications. Result: A true, bolt-on Power Boost.