Introducing the Bugout Buddy, Backcountry Survival Kit. 0.7lbs of only the bare essentials that could just possibly save your life. The idea behind the Bugout Buddy is to provide you with a thoughtfully curated kit of the things you may need in an emergency situation. The kit includes the tools you need to light a fire in almost any weather conditions, heat water, build a simple shelter, keep your body fueled and also signal to anyone searching for you.
When you purchase this kit you will be supplied with 10 feet of 550 paracord and a mylar blanket. You will also receive 4 compressed cotton swabs, 1 gram of magnesium shavings, a flint rod, a small knife, and two esbit fuel tablets to heat water in case you don’t have fuel to build a fire. Two key parts of this kit are the whistle and the signaling mirror attached to the lid. One thing that is often overlooked when considering the possibility of spending a night out in the cold is the number of calories your body will consume just trying to stay warm. For this reason, we included two packets of peanut butter, a whole 420 calories in just 64 grams of packaging. We are aware that some people have peanut allergies or may not like them. We recommend substituting it with a food that is well preserved and has the most calories per gram possible. Last but not least, all of the contents are contained inside a titanium cup. These are only tools, survival and comfort in the wilderness are subject to your skills and knowledge. Familiarize yourself with the contents of this kit and educate yourself on using these tools. Practice wilderness survival techniques at home and you will be prepared in the event that you need them.
This Kit does not replace a first aid kit.
This Kit will help your chances of survival but not guaranteed.
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